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  •  عربي

Theatre Based Techniques (TBT)

Basic and advanced Regional Theatre Based Techniques (TBT) training courses

 This specialized training program is based on the Theatre Based Techniques for Peer Education Manual produced by UNFPA in 2005. The manual was translated into Arabic by NCCA and developed to reflect the Arab culture and traditions in addition to creating an advanced level training manual in collaboration with the founder of the project Dr. Alexandar Sasha Bodiroza and the original authors: Dr. Cydelle Berlin and Mr. Ken Hornbeck. The program acquired accreditation from the International Theatre Institute (ITI) – UNESCO.


TBT is intended for program managers, youth educators, teachers, university students, activists and artists who are interested in adding a theatre component to their awareness and advocacy activities, with a focus on facilitation and scene creation to impact the target audience and beneficiaries.
TBT is the only training program in the region that utilizes theatre skills and participatory drama methodology to enable youth peer educators to deliver effective dynamic messages through performing arts towards appropriate change of attitudes and behavior and raise awareness on issues related to Reproductive Health and Rights (RHR), Human Rights, Gender Based Violence (GBV), Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE), Peace Building, Cultural Diversity and Civic Engagement.

The trainees acquire skills and practical knowledge related to facilitation, audience participation and creation of interactive theatre pieces based on improvisation and how to respond to the audience questions as actors remaining in their characters.
NCCA conducted numerous regional TBT training courses for participants from: Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Yemen, Oman, Palestine, Libya, Djibouti, Somalia, Tunis, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Kurdistan and Bulgaria.


Content of the basic TBT training course

Theoretical background and hands-on training in interactive theatre with specific emphasis on incorporating theatre games, creative movement, creative writing, voice and speech, stage pictures and depictions, scene creation, audience participation and the role of the facilitator.

The training culminates in a performance of interactive theatre scenes, where the trainees address a specific issue and devise interaction with target audience to provide alternative solutions to the problems presented through their interaction with the actors and the facilitator. 

Course objectives
  • Promoting positive change, problem solving, critical thinking, and communicating effective, dynamic messages through theater techniques.
  • Enhancing communication, communication and teamwork skills.
  • Enhancing the concept of critical thinking among participants.
  • Building trainees’ abilities to address various social and emotional issues using theater techniques.
  • Enabling participants to create creative interactive theatrical scenes to confront social challenges and bring about change.
  • Enabling participants to effectively perform the role of facilitator to create a constructive and interactive dialogue with the audience and actors.
  • Building participants’ abilities in how to perform the roles of characters and assume them while the audience discusses them in the theatrical event.
Content of the advanced TBT training course

Participants who have successfully completed the Basic TBT and implemented theatre activities from the training manual with the target communities and show evidences of their work; are eligible to take the advanced TBT.

The Advanced TBT Training essentially follows the same format as in the basic TBT, with specific emphasis on directing, script writing, creative movement, comprehensive scene creation, audience participation and advanced facilitation techniques. Trainees are provided with more explanation and exploration, to continue to learn and practice the methodology of facilitation, and of actors staying in character (Role) during the post-performance, and follow up interactive discussions. 

Duration (TBT)

40 hours of basic TBT training
40 hours of advanced TBT training

Number of participants

At least 20 participants in each training course.

Course Accreditation (TBT)

The training courses are accredited by the Ministry of Education, the International Theatre Institute (ITI) of UNESCO, and the National Center for Culture and Arts.

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